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Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Swindler Fox by Kevin Samey

In the Swahili region, There was a fox. This wasn’t any fox. This was a Swindler Fox. The Swindler Fox was a very evil fox. Once there was a frog. Frog was going on a trip to see his grandmother Teresa Toad. Frog was on his way and became very tired. “Oh, this is causing my legs much pain!” Frog exclaimed. The Swindler Fox heard frog’s cries and remembered animals talking about him in the village.
“I can take you there.” The Swindler Fox said in a deep, sly tone. “I-I don-don’t trust y-you.” Frog said, in a pipsqueakish tone. “Why would I lie to you, see you are too small for a full meal. I would have no reason to eat you.” The Swindler fox said in a questionable tone. “O-Ok f-f-fine.” The Frog said. The Frog using his strong legs, jumped on The Swindler fox’s back. About half way through the journey, The Swindler Fox stopped. “Why’d you stop?” The Frog asked. “Because there is a snake.” The Swindler Fox replied. “A SNAKE?” The frog screamed, now frightened. “Quickly, jump into my mouth.” The Frog was too scared to realized what’d he done. “Thanks for the help, Snake.” Said the Swindle Fox. “No problem, know where’s my two frogs? The Snake said Impatiently.  “Here, Snake.” The Swindle Fox said. The Swindle Fox tossed Snake two dead frogs that seemed to be impaled with sharp sticks like shish kabobs. “Wait,” Snake said dumbstricken. “Why didn’t you just eat my two frogs?” “Because ,” The Swindler Fox said devilishly. “LIVE is always better than DEAD.”

A few days later, A lynx that The Swindler fox’s ankle was broken. “I will take you to the village.” The lynx said.  “I’m not as foolish as you think.” The Swindler Fox said Angrily. “Why would I eat you, I catch my prey it’s dishonorable to eat injured prey. The Lynx said. “Alright, just hurry up, will you? When they were about to reach the village, a bear roared. “ RAWR!! Who dares enters my territory!” The Bear said. The Swindler Fox tried to run, but he Couldn't because of his ankle. The Bear crushed his ribcage immediately. “Thanks, Bear.” The Lynx said. “Where’s my fish?!” Said The Bear. “Here.” The Lynx groaned. “What happened to honor?” The Bear said with a full mouth. “I’m not a Lynx I’m a Swindle Lynx.

                 The End

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